Haliatech Mengadakan Workshop LabVIEW untuk Industrial Automation di ITEBA
Haliatech telah menyelenggarakan Workshop LabVIEW for Industrial Automation di Institut Teknologi Batam (ITEBA). Workshop ini dihadiri oleh Wakil Rektor 1 bidang Akademik, Bapak Dr. Eng. Ansarullah Lawi, M.Eng dan Kaprodi Teknik Industri, Bapak Ibnu Anugrah S.T M.T, sebagai bentuk dukungan terhadap pengembangan teknologi di bidang otomasi industri. Dalam workshop ini, peserta diberikan…
Haliatech Mengadakan Training LabVIEW Hands-On di ITB
Haliatech telah mengadakan training LabVIEW Hands-On di Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) yang diikuti oleh mahasiswa dari Fakultas Teknik Mesin dan Dirgantara (FTMD). Pelatihan ini menjadi bagian dari upaya Haliatech untuk mendukung mahasiswa dalam mempersiapkan diri menghadapi tantangan industri berbasis teknologi tinggi. Haliatech terus berkomitmen menghadirkan solusi dan pelatihan teknologi terkini…
Introduction to Educational Data Acquisition and Electronics Hobby Projects
Introduction to Educational Data Acquisition and Electronics Hobby Projects Welcome to the world of educational data acquisition (DAQ) and electronics hobby projects! Whether you’re an engineering student, a seasoned industry professional, a curious hobbyist, or a dedicated professor, DAQ offers a powerful toolkit to transform your learning and exploration. This…
Streamlining Electronics Education with Digilent Analog Discovery Studio
Streamlining Electronics Education with Digilent Analog Discovery Studio The Department of Electronic Engineering at Royal Holloway, University of London, sought to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its undergraduate laboratory experience. By integrating the Digilent Analog Discovery Studio (ADS) into their curriculum, they aimed to provide students with a flexible, efficient, and…
WaveForms vs. NI’s LabVIEW in Engineering Education
WaveForms vs. NI’s LabVIEW in Engineering Education Here at Digilent, we’re passionate about empowering the next generation of engineers. We offer a wide range of educational tools, and two of the most popular used alongside our instruments are WaveForms and NI’s LabVIEW. But you might wonder: what’s the difference between them and which…
Manufacturing Indonesia Exhibition 2024
Manufacturing Indonesia Exhibition 2024 Are you ready to revolutionize your manufacturing processes? Struggling to keep up with industry demands for efficiency and innovation? Let’s find solutions together at Manufacturing Indonesia 2024! Haliatech is committed to empowering the manufacturing industry with cutting-edge solutions tailored to your needs. Mark your calendars and…
We’re Thrilled to Join APMC 2024 with Keysight!
We’re Thrilled to Join APMC 2024 with Keysight! We’re excited to announce our participation in the Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC) 2024 in partnership with Keysight! This event brings together industry leaders and innovators to showcase advancements in RF and microwave technology. 📍 Join us at our booth to explore cutting-edge…
Unlock Your Instruments’ Potential: Keysight Real Time Analysis
Unlock Your Instruments’ Potential: Keysight Real Time Analysis Key takeaways: Test instrument software helps you translate your test goals and requirements into appropriate configurations and instructions for the measurement and test instruments throughout your product lifecycle. If it excels at translating your intentions, your testing stages will be reliable and…
Phase Noise Results: Choosing the Best Signal Generator
Phase Noise Results: Choosing the Best Signal Generator An RF or microwave signal generator’s phase noise performance is a critical factor in determining how well it fits an application. For example, phase noise performance is essential in testing high-performance systems such as Doppler radars or software-defined radios (SDRs). Excellent phase…
AI Surge: Large Language Models Unlock Innovation and Capability
AI Surge: Large Language Models Unlock Innovation and Capability In the last two years, the adoption of AI-driven Large Language Models (LLMs) has dramatically surged in various industries and applications. It mainly started with OpenAI debuting their state-of-the-art models like GPT-3, GTP-3.5, GTP-4, ChatGPT. This is followed by other major…