Expanding the RevPI Core functionality to process analog I/O signals is now possible with the help of the new RevPi AIO module. This add-on unit features 4 analog inputs, 2 analog outputs and 2 RTD input channels. This expansion module is connected to your RevPi Core by the means of the overhead PiBridge plug. Inputs, RTD inputs and outputs are galvanically isolated to each other. Differential inputs eliminate ground loops.
Analog input range/options: +/- 10 V, 0 10 V, 0 5 V, +/- 5 V, 0 20 mA, 0 24 mA, 4 20 mA, +/- 25 mA
Analog outputs range/options: 0 5 V, 0 10 V, +/- 5 V, +/- 10 V, 0 5,5 V, 0 11 V, +/- 5,5 V, +/- 11 V, 4 20 mA, 0 20 mA, 0 24 mA
The 2 RTD inputs enable temperatures to be measured with high precision from -165°C to +600°C in steps of 0.5°C using common RTDs sensors like Pt100/Pt1000 probes. The probes can be connected directly to the module with 2, 3 or 4 cables.
Just like the digital IO modules, RevPi AIO is protected against disturbances according to EN61131-2 and can be operated between -40 and +50°C ambient temperature and up to 80% relative humidity. It is also protected against static discharges, burst and surge impulses in accordance with EN61131-2 requirements.