- Sistem Akuisisi Strain Gauge Berkecepatan Tinggi Untuk Sistem Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar - Sistem Akuisisi Strain Gauge Berkecepatan Tinggi Untuk Sistem Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar Tantangan: Dibutuhkan sistem akuisisi berkecepatan tinggi untuk membaca pola perubahan nilai strain pada sistem Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB). Solusi: Merancang sistem akuisisi pengujian Split-Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) berbasis LabVIEW dengan menggunakan Strain Gauge Amplifier dan Osiloskop untuk solusi sistem akuisisi berkecepatan tinggi. Split-Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) merupakan salah satu metode yang umum digunakan untuk mengetahui karakter dinamis dari suatu material. Pengujian SHPB dilakukan dengan memperhatikan pola perubahan strain pada Incident Bar dan Transmission Bar. Gambar 1. Ilustrasi sederhana pengujian SHPB Striker bar akan diluncurkan pada kecepatan tinggi oleh gas launcher. Incident wave yang terbentuk saat proses tumbukan akan ditransmisikan ke specimen. Incident wave yang melewati incident… Continue Reading...
Rancang Bangun Sistem Monitoring dan Kontrol Larutan Hidroponik berbasis Revolution Pi dan LabVIEW NXG - Sebuah prototype yang dapat melakukan monitoring berupa nilai pH dan kepekatan larutan/TDS (ppm) pada larutan hidroponik. Selain itu, terdapat sebuah sistem kontrol berupa pompa peristaltic dan pompa 5V. Kemudian, Data yang dimonitoring akan diolah/diprogram menggunakan Revolution pi (RevPi core, RevPi AIO, dan RevPi DIO) untuk menjalankan kontrol berupa pompa agar dapat berjalan secara otomatis apabila larutan hidroponik kekurangan atau kelebihan nutrisi dalam hal ini dapat diukur dalam pH dan TDS. Data monitoring dapat dilihat dalam bentuk website secara Real-Time berbasis LabVIEW NXG. Tantangan: Mengembangkan sistem monitoring dan kontrol secara otomatis dan real-time pada larutan nutrisi hidroponik. Solusi: Merancang sistem monitoring dan kontrol pada larutan nutrisi hidroponik dengan menggunakan input yaitu: sensor ph, sensor tds, sensor float switch level, dan sensor… Continue Reading...
Improving Confidence in Data Integrity with Time-Sensitive Networking Technology - The Challenge: Designing a monitoring system with distributed digital inputs across a physics reactor. The synchronization accuracy has to be within the hundreds of µs. The Solution: NI compactRIO architecture that deals with multiple digital input modules along with the Time-sensitive networking for tight synchronization across. Physics reactor deals with highly accurate data acquisition and monitoring. This is crucial to determine and diagnose what happens when a certain condition was to be triggered. Haliatech, as the alliance partner for National Instruments (NI) in Indonesia, offers the recently announced Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) technology. Fault Detection System across the reactor numerous digital points is one of the common yet critical applications. One of the most challenging requirements of this application is to… Continue Reading...
Streamlining Test System with TestStand Solution - The Challenge: The qualitative approach of validating machine is often unreliable, also the safety of the operator’s health could be at risk for long term shift. The Solution: Designing a test system with TestStand that handles the data storage mechanism while also great for further research of validating the machine automatically. In the world of manufacturing, time is essential when it comes to bringing the product to the market. Automotive manufacturing is no exception, the seemingly fast-paced innovation and the need to improve the test's efficiency are equally important. At the time, our customer relies on the manual testing with qualitative check of the test operator. This could bring inconsistency for the result and even present health risk in the… Continue Reading...