2400 Graphical Series SMU

2400 Graphical Series SMU


Keithley 2400 Graphical Series SMU instruments offer four-quadrant precision voltage and current source/load coupled with measurement now on an intuitive touchscreen user interface. These instruments can simultaneously source and measure current from 10 fA to 10 A pulse and/or voltage from 100 nV to 1100 V for 1000 W pulse and 100 W DC total power, allowing users to Touch, Test, Invent®.


A modern curve tracer solution

Install I-V Tracer Software to your 2400 Series Graphical SMU and create a functional replacement to traditional curve tracers like the Tektronix 576 or 370. Quickly trace out two-terminal device characteristics without configuring sweeps or connecting to other software.

Make measurements at a whole new level

SMU instruments capture more-detailed device behavior and can characterize the device in extended ranges, so you can understand your device better, enhance its quality and improve its performance.


  • 6½-digit resolution precision source and measure
  • 1 MSamples/s digitized measurement speed
  • Current: 10 nA to 7 A DC, 10 A Pulse
  • Voltage: 200 mV to 200 V
  • Power: Up to 100 W DC to 1000 W Pulse
Unmatched versatility and return on investment.

SMU instruments bring versatility to a new level for today’s applications and tomorrow’s innovation. Configure yours as a precision power supply, 6½-digit DMM, current source, voltage source, picoammeter, electronic load and more.

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